My Practice

Therapy is a sacred act


There comes a point in our lives when we are ready to change, to wake up, to live life differently. In that very moment, the journey begins. I see my role as a guide and a holder of space to help you find your way through stuck or painful patterns that once protected you, but now hold you back.

This process is not about applying effort to change an aspect of yourself, but rather about engaging with yourself more fully and deeply, and being transformed by this reunion. It is a process that encompasses all of you - body, mind, and soul.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

— Anais Nin

What to expect


Therapy will be a collaborative effort. Together, we will focus on understanding your struggles, transforming old and unproductive patterns, and creating space for greater flow and more honest expression in your life.

My style tends towards being more interactive with you, rather than having you talk the whole time. I will often bring our attention to what is happening in the present moment for you or between us and allow that to guide our session. I will also bring your attention to your physical sensations to help create more of a connection to the words you are saying and the physical experience you are having.

I might also invite you to physically do things with your body in order to further help you to make greater contact with the emotional experience you are speaking about. In all of these ways, you are invited to show up, rather than prepare, and allow your present experience to guide us towards our goal.

  • Movement stirs up what lies stagnant. By fully understanding this, you can redirect your inner will and intent toward overcoming this self-induced protective stagnation, by mustering the courage to feel what is there to feel.

    Eva Pierrakos

In addition to individual psychotherapy, I also offer my clients the option to work with others in a group format. Group psychotherapy provides the opportunity to have a deeper experience with others, that often works in conjunction with individual psychotherapy, to help clients explore, experience and transform their struggles making connections with others.

By creating an environment where all members are committed to giving voice to their feelings and experience, group provides a rare opportunity to be able to get valuable feedback, as well as receive immense support in creating more enjoyable, and energizing connection with yourself and others.


Group Psychotherapy

Fees & Insurance


My standard fee is $225 for a 50-minute individual session, $250 for a 50-minute couples session and $60 for 90-minute group session. For your convenience, payment is accepted by cash, check, Zelle electronic transfer or major credit/debit card.

I reserve a limited number of time slots for sliding scale fees.

If your insurance plan allows for out-of-network coverage, then you can be partially reimbursed for your sessions. Please contact your insurance company for reimbursal rates.

I am happy to electronically submit these claims for you, if you are with a major insurance company. Otherwise, I am happy to provide you with the necessary paperwork for filing your claims.